$8 Lamp (Outlet) "Smart Plug" Module

  • Admin

    Hi All,

    I created a second "Smart Plug" and thought I'd make a how to video this time. I have found them very useful for controlling various devices around the house. It's long but hopefully will be good for everyone including those not too familiar with MySensors. I know when I was first starting out I had little to no experience with any of this stuff and it was hard to piece it all together.

    $8 DIY Arduino Smart Outlet Lamp Module – 26:35
    — Pete B

    Here is the parts list (most of this stuff can be obtained from the my sensors store so don't forget to support them!)

    • 1 Gang Outlet Box
    • Outlet
    • Computer power cord or extension cord
    • Old cell phone charger or some other 5v power supply
    • Items from MySensors Store http://www.mysensors.org/store/
    • 22-24 gauge wire or similar (network cord)
    • Female Pin Header Connector Strip
    • Prototype Universal Printed Circuit Board
    • NRF24L01 Radio
    • Arduino Pro Mini
    • Capacitors (10uf and .1uf)
    • 3.3v voltage regulator
    • Female Dupont cables

    Here is a wiring diagram for the 3.3v regulator:
    Voltage Regulator Schematic.png

    0_1467849909161_Fritzing Smart Outlet.png

    Here is the code I used. I made a few customizations but the example "Relay Actuator" code can be used as well.

    *edited to add wiring diagram

  • Very nice job!

    But don't forget the earth wire on the plug! it's very important for security reason if your lamp (or anythings else) is metallic!!!!

  • Hero Member

    @petewill Well Done!! Another Great Help Video!

  • Admin

    @znikos Yeah, I did connect it to the outlet but maybe I forgot to mention it? Oops...

    Thanks @ServiceXp!

  • Admin

    Sweet! 🙂

  • Very nice video! Thanks!

  • Nice project!!!

  • Thanks for sharing your video! I just finished watching it and I feel like I just learned more in that time than I have in months! If you can't tell, I am a bit of a visual learner 🙂 It was really helpful to be able to watch the whole project come together from beginning to end.

  • Admin

    @Dean glad it could help! That is exactly why I made it like that. I know it will be too long for some people but I remember it was difficult for me to piece together all the steps when I was first starting.

  • @petewill Great video when are you planning in doing the power monitoring for this project?

  • Admin

    Excellent @petewill.

    Your video has been added to relay build page and in the news section.

    Great work!

  • Admin

    @Francois great question! To be honest, it's on the list but not very high. I have a few other projects I wanted to do and hopefully create videos for.

    @hek Thanks! You have created something awesome and I am excited to give back just a little when I can. Thanks for all you've done (and continue to do)!!

  • Nice project.

    I will build some plugs myself, but I would like to exclude the charger, we should be able to power the arduino directly from the ac plug.

    I am thinking to use something like this


    What do you think about it?

  • Admin

    @johnr said:

    Nice project.

    I will build some plugs myself, but I would like to exclude the charger, we should be able to power the arduino directly from the ac plug.

    I am thinking to use something like this


    What do you think about it?

    That looks like an "charger" just in another package 🙂 in my opinion it's a bit over the top, with a 10W power supply, to a device that uses arround 0,5W (0.1mA @ 5V) in peaks.

    / Thomas

  • Hi,

    Sorry I Think I expressed myself to short and incorrect on my way to work.

    I really like this Project. My personal problem is that when you have many sensors, sooner or later you run out of old chargers 😉

    Therefore for the relay (wallplug) it would be nice to find a small ac/dc power supply, which is easy to integrate into the breadboard/pcb.

    The Meanwell that I linked to i also availible in 5w, but personally I had some problems in the past, with the current consumption of the relays, using sub wall-warts. This is why I am thinking 10w.

    Mean well have nice quality but pricing is quite high. Would be nice to find an alternative with enough quality that you can trust that it wont burst into flames.

    Edit: Mybe this tread is the correct one to discuss ac/dc converters. http://forum.mysensors.org/topic/687/230v-power-supply-to-arduino

  • Hero Member

    @johnr It doesn't look like that series has any temperature protection??

  • servicexp, no I guess it have only over current protection.

    I am going to test a smaller 5w converter. MW irm-05-5 which I was able to get for a ok price through work. It has also smaller physical dimensions.

  • Admin

    @johnr said:

    servicexp, no I guess it have only over current protection.

    I am going to test a smaller 5w converter. MW irm-05-5 which I was able to get for a ok price through work. It has also smaller physical dimensions.

    Nice, let us know how it works! I also find I run out of chargers. Thankfully I can get them from work occasionally when people recycle their old phone chargers.

  • Contest Winner


    Or hotel lost and found...

  • Admin

    @BulldogLowell yeah, good idea! I wonder if electronics stores may have them too. I know Best Buy has a electronics recycling program. Maybe they get them there too? I just got a fresh supply from work so I should be good for a little while 🙂

  • Hey Hi. Awesome project.
    Just a quick though, could i just a Pro mini 5V and skip the whole voltage regulator part? or would that need some additional changes to the project?

    Thank 👍

  • Admin

    @Mohsin-Hassan Do you mean a 3.3v pro mini? If so, then you should be able to. The radio requires 3.3v to work. You would need to take the 5v from the phone charger to power the relay.

  • @petewill

    Hello, how are you?
    Man, I understood how you do this project, but Have one thing I doesn't understand, How you sync the plug with your cellphone?
    Because intro the plug have a Arduino and RF Module.
    Could you explain me?
    Thx 🙂

  • Admin

    @DanielD said:

    How you sync the plug with your cellphone?

    I use a Vera for my home automation controller. MySensors has a plugin for Vera so the cellphone app is actually for Vera. I can issue a command through my phone to Vera which will then send the command to the MySensors device.

    Hopefully that makes sense.


  • @petewill

    Okay, I thought that you create a device smilar to Vera.
    Because I thinking do this.
    Do you have any ideia how I do this?

  • Admin

    @DanielD said:

    Do you have any ideia how I do this?

    No, sorry. It would probably be easier for you to use an existing controller that already works with MySensors though. Check out the list here: http://www.mysensors.org/controller/

    I'm sure some of them already have phone apps but I'm not sure which ones. I haven't looked at anything other than Vera.

  • @petewill
    mm, I will install one of these in my PC and I will buy a ethernet bord, and make a gateway ethernet.
    But what I do not understand is How the Web Site will send a rf signal from arduino
    Okay I know I should connect the ethernet bord in arduino and rf transmisor, but how do
    sensor received this signal I know I will put rf receiver inside.
    But the code of ethernet gateway doesn't have nothing about the transmissor.
    If you don't understand something ask me.

  • Admin

    @DanielD said:

    But the code of ethernet gateway doesn't have nothing about the transmissor.

    Right. That's where the controller comes in. I use Vera so when I press the on button in the Vera interface it sends the command through the gateway to the sensor (smart outlet).

    If you are try do it cheaply you may want to look into openhab. I haven't used it but I know it runs on a raspberry pi.

  • @petewill

    I will try make a device type Vera because,in my country doesn't exists.
    If I buy at site and ask to ship me Will cost very expensive, therefore I try make a device similar to vera 😕
    Could you help me?

  • @DanielD just get yourself an raspberry.

  • @andriej
    I have a raspberry, but I think use only arudino.

  • Admin

    @DanielD said:

    therefore I try make a device similar to vera 😕
    Could you help me?

    Unfortunately I don't know how to do that. The best thing I can suggest is to use one of the existing controllers. If you already have a raspberry pi there is free software for it. Try one of those. That way you don't have to recreate anything.

  • @petewill

    Okay, but I think I don't understand is how I will do the communication between getway ethernet and another device.

  • Admin

    @DanielD said:

    I don't understand is how I will do the communication between getway ethernet and another device.

    You probably want to check out this: http://www.mysensors.org/about/ and this: http://www.openhab.org/

    It will will take some learning and I suggest you start out small. See if you can get OpenHab up and running first. When you understand that you can start using MySensors. I had my Vera for a few months before I started learning MySensors. It was helpful to learn the controller before MySensors.

  • Thank you very much for detailed description!
    But I cannot understand how to send commands from OpenHab to turn relay on and off. Please direct me.
    After a long time I can finally get the messages from sensors via serial connection, but not the other way.

  • Admin

    @almj I use Vera as my controller so I'm not sure how to set up OpenHab. I know there are some instructions for setting it up here on the forum. If you're still stuck you may get better responses by posting to a new topic. Sorry I can't be more help.

  • Is it really that difficult or expensive to get old chargers?
    I found 10 for $10.99 on ebay.

  • Admin

    @bytedeez Nah, it's not that hard or expensive. It's always nice to get them free when you can though 🙂

  • Hello,

    Which is connected to the relay in the diagram???


    Douglas (Brasil)

  • Admin

    @Douglas I just used the standard wiring from the build page here: http://www.mysensors.org/build/relay

  • Hardware Contributor

    Hi @petewill!
    I made this 🙂 Great video 👍

    I think i get bad reception or something because it works the first 5-6 times and then nothing...

    In the end you describe an cat5 wire added as antenna because of bad reception.
    Do you remove the plastic/shielding so its just copper?
    Im afraid to short anything out with a long uncovered antenna if thats the case...

    and if i hear you right its 3,28 inches which should be 33,31200 millimeters on the antenna?

  • Admin

    @sundberg84 said:

    Hi @petewill!
    I made this 🙂 Great video 👍

    I think i get bad reception or something because it works the first 5-6 times and then nothing...

    This could also be a power or a wiring issue. But, the antenna is an easy modification so it wouldn't hurt to try this first. Another test is to move the device closer to your gateway. If it still stops after 5-6 times then it probably isn't communication issues.

    In the end you describe an cat5 wire added as antenna because of bad reception.
    Do you remove the plastic/shielding so its just copper?
    Im afraid to short anything out with a long uncovered antenna if thats the case...

    No, I left the shielding on the wire. Sorry, I should have specified that.

    and if i hear you right its 3,28 inches which should be 33,31200 millimeters on the antenna?

    I think 3.28 inches is 83.312 millimeters (at least that's what google says it is).

  • Hero Member

    I have these lockups all the time and have not been able to get rid of them. I tried:

    • separated power supplies
    • capacitors
    • shielding

    Most probably (in my case) is the spike introduced by the coil of the relay. This somehow puts the radio in a sleep (or half dead) state. By moving away from mechanical to triac (ssd) 'relays' I was finaly able to solve it. If you find a solution please post.

  • Hardware Contributor

    @AWI Hmm, ok... will give it a try and report back if i find anything...

    It seems to be both range and spikes? The sensor works great without anything connected to 240v out but as soon as i connect anything like a lamp it fails within 5 on/off. Also when i move it close to the gw but then atleast it works without any 240v connected.

    The SSD relays, is that something like this?

    Any downsides with SSR relays?

  • Hero Member

    @sundberg84 I have never found these before. Sounds like an interesting option. Made myself boards like these
    The 'downside' of these is that there can be a leak voltage when the output is left open.

  • Hardware Contributor

    @AWI Your link didnt work (typo)
    Ill give these a try and let post if they are any good.

  • Admin

    @AWI said:

    I have these lockups all the time and have not been able to get rid of them. I tried:

    • separated power supplies
    • capacitors
    • shielding

    Most probably (in my case) is the spike introduced by the coil of the relay. This somehow puts the radio in a sleep (or half dead) state. By moving away from mechanical to triac (ssd) 'relays' I was finaly able to solve it. If you find a solution please post.

    Strange. I have been using mine for months without any issues. It is triggered by motion in my family room so it is used every day multiple times. Were you powering the relay from the Arduino or directly from the 5v?

  • Hardware Contributor

    @petewill In my case from VCC from arduino. I try to change incoming to raw and see if that makes any differens.

  • Admin

    @sundberg84 said:

    @petewill In my case from VCC from arduino. I try to change incoming to raw and see if that makes any differens.

    Yeah, let me know. It's been a while, so I don't remember what project I had issues with, but I had issues with power when I was using the Arduino 5V. I always try to pull power from the source (not Arduino) whenever I can now. Hopefully this will help your issue.

  • Hardware Contributor

    Now the relay powers up, and i can switch (led turns on) but no click/coil activation so no 240v power out. Changed the relay but same result. I have 5v relay vcc and 5v on in but nothing... strange.

  • Hero Member

    @sundberg84 try the relay by itself first - connect to 5v and gnd and give it signal (even by just touching a wire to the signal leg). I had a run of several dead relays (was because of non rectified power supply so they switched on and off 50 times a second... one of the best ways to kill a relay I think)

  • Admin

    @sundberg84 said:

    Now the relay powers up, and i can switch (led turns on) but no click/coil activation so no 240v power out. Changed the relay but same result. I have 5v relay vcc and 5v on in but nothing... strange.

    Wow, that is strange. I am using 5 or so different relays all around my house every day and I've never had this issues. I always connect them to 5v directly from the dc transformer (old cell phone chargers).

  • Hi,

    any possibility of including a push button to manually trigger the switch on and off as well?
    And if possible update Vera on the status change.

    This way i can make it Wife safe and not get kicked out of the house...

    I'm not good with coding but if someone can point me in the right direction please...

  • Hardware Contributor

    There is a scetch in mysensors lib doing this. Relayaccuatorwithbutton or something. Download the examplescetches and have a look: http://www.mysensors.org/build/relay#relaywithbuttonactuator-example @Mohsin-Hassan

  • Hardware Contributor

    @petewill @Moshe-Livne . Coil activates when i try with a 9v battery, so either bad/cheap relays or to weak power plug. All measures +5v but its not enough. Ill order some new relays.

  • Hero Member

    @sundberg84 IMHO 9v will fry the relay. max voltage is 5.5v if my failing memory serves. depends on your relay, naturally but this is the most common one. have a look at the datasheet https://www.ghielectronics.com/downloads/man/20084141716341001RelayX1.pdf
    yes it is 5.5v - nominal 5v, max current is 110%. I am sure it can sustain 6 but 9v will be really pushing it IMHO

  • Hardware Contributor

    It was only to test coil failure and see if it was a power issue 🙂

  • Hero Member

    @sundberg84 A self fulfilling prophecy 🙂

  • Admin

    @Mohsin-Hassan said:


    any possibility of including a push button to manually trigger the switch on and off as well?
    And if possible update Vera on the status change.

    This way i can make it Wife safe and not get kicked out of the house...

    I'm not good with coding but if someone can point me in the right direction please...

    We are discussing this over here: http://forum.mysensors.org/topic/1607/safe-in-wall-ac-to-dc-transformers

    You want to be careful you use the right transformer so you don't burn your house down. 🙂 The wife probably wouldn't appreciate that.

    I really want to do this too. I'm just waiting for the experts to weigh in on which transformer is safe.

  • Admin

    @sundberg84 said:

    @petewill @Moshe-Livne . Coil activates when i try with a 9v battery, so either bad/cheap relays or to weak power plug. All measures +5v but its not enough. Ill order some new relays.

    So strange that it's not working. What is the power rating of your 5V transformer? Do you have a picture of your set up?

  • Hardware Contributor

    @petewill @Moshe-Livne

    I dont reallt wants to admit it...
    Well, I ordered the 5v relay from ebay (i have the reciept!) and looking at petewill video it says SRD-05VDC-
    Looking at mine it says SRD-12VDC so probalby the sent me a 12v relay...

    New one will arive soon i hope 🙂 Thank you for the help and sorry for clogging the thread.

  • Hero Member

    @sundberg84 that makes so much sense! And its not even your fault! 🙂

  • Admin

    @sundberg84 That's good news! Unfortunately you have to wait for new one but at least it's an easy fix!

  • @petewill
    Just out of interest: how did You come up with the length for the antenna?
    I remember vaguely that You can calculate the length if You know the
    used frequency but You connect Your wire to an already existing PCB-Antenna...


  • Admin

    @hyla I actually recently did a separate video on how I do this with a little more explanation. If you're interested it's here:

    Cheap DIY NRF24L01 Antenna Modification – 02:48
    — Pete B

    In summary, I measured the length of the existing antenna on the PCB then added additional wire to get it up to the required length for the 2.4GHz range (4.92 in).

  • Thanx 🙂

    Meanwhile I did some research too. The formula (as You all know 🙂 ) is:
    Lambda (m) = c(m/s) / f(1/s) with
    c= 299711000 m/s
    f= 2.400.000.000 hz

    which comes down to 0.1248795833333333 m or roughly 4.92 in
    The 1.64 in that are used on the PCB are actually Lambda/3.

    Nicely done, Pete 🙂


  • Hardware Contributor

    Now i got three working relays thanks to you, so again, great video!
    Wanted to thank you and also show my sollution.
    I hade some 433mhz cheap (not good working) relays with perfect case i could re-use:
    The case had a status-led and a switch i use as well.


  • Admin

    @sundberg84 Cool! That's nice to have a case like that.

  • Hardware Contributor

    Nice! That one deserves its own project thread. I think we're many interested in the details.

  • Hardware Contributor

    This is may realisation

  • Hi @petewill

    I've tried this and had inconclusive results rather then a significant extended rage. Not sure what I'm doing wrong or if it's the quality of my RF module.

    I've used some wire (8.33 cm) I had left over but its not one solid copper wire, its has many "strings" inside. In your experiment did you use one solid copper wire and can this influence this hack?


  • Admin

    @barduino I am using solid copper cat5e wire. I don't know much about antennas but it may change the behavior. Do you have any old cat5 that you can cut and test with?

  • @petewill

    I'm going to try it.

    I'm also using a capacitor on the RF module, not sure if you did combine both techniques.

    On a last note, I've noticed some power setting on the MyConfig.h (1.5 lib) cant remember the values form 1.4.1

    *  NRF24L01 Driver Defaults
    #define RF24_CE_PIN		   9
    #define RF24_CS_PIN		   10
    #define RF24_PA_LEVEL 	   RF24_PA_MAX
    #define RF24_PA_LEVEL_GW   RF24_PA_LOW

    So now I'm initializing the gatweway as

    // Instanciate MySersors Gateway
    MyTransportNRF24 transport(RF24_CE_PIN, RF24_CS_PIN, RF24_PA_LEVEL);

    instead of

    // Instanciate MySersors Gateway
    MyTransportNRF24 transport(RF24_CE_PIN, RF24_CS_PIN, RF24_PA_LEVEL_GW);

    Not sure if there is a significant diference here...

    The results i'm getting now (after removing the antena, but with capacitor and changes on 1.5 MyConfig) are similar to the results I got from lib 1.4.1 with capacitor. I have a repeater about 15 meters from gateway and if i put it 17 meters it doesnt work anymore (there are some walls on the way)

    I'll just add a solid copper antena to see if results change.

    Thanks for the info!


  • Admin

    @barduino Yes, I always use a capacitor to filter power to my radio. I recently have been using 3.3v Pro Mini Arduinos so I have just been putting a 4.7uf cap very close to the radio.

    As far as I know the RF24_PA_LEVEL_GW is only used for the gateway. You can change the power level in the config file for the sensors but it looks like you already had it at the MAX. You can play with the power level depending on your radio model used with the gateway. On my gateway I experimented with an external antenna type radio and if it was set on max it completely wrecked my z-wave communication (there must have been interference like crazy since they are different frequencies). If you are using the PCB type antenna you can probably increase the power level to max without any issues. It's been a while since I did anything with my gateway (it's been working great for months) so I don't remember what settings I'm using. I do know I have the antenna hacked radio instead of the external antenna.

  • Hero Member

    One thing to note is that adding an external antenna extension to the on-PCB antenna moves this into the realm of "RF magic". What I mean is that it becomes a very non-standard sort of hybrid antenna about which we can predict very little. Like receiving television with rabbit ears and aluminum foil, you will mostly have to work by trial and error rather than exact calculations.

    The on-PCB antenna should already be tuned for the RF wavelength, probably near the middle of the band. We can also calculate the appropriate length for a straight wire used INSTEAD OF the on-PCB. But when we solder a wire onto the PCB antenna, we wind up with a very complex antenna which may or may not work very well (but in general it's far easier to make a random antenna work poorly than to make it work well). There are questions of antenna gain (or attenuation), but also of directionality - adding the wire might make it transmit/receive better in some directions and worse in other directions!

    Part of my point is that we cannot necessarily predict the best length of wire to solder to the on-PCB antenna by using the calculations that would apply with no PCB antenna. It may depend where on the PCB antenna trace you solder the extra wire, and perhaps on how the wire gets bent (especially if it comes near electrical conductors).

    So after you have the node placed where you want it (including the orientation), you can try moving the added antenna around in the case for better reception - and you can also try changing the wire length because 8.33 cm is not necessarily optimal for this hybrid antenna. Of course it's easier to shorten a wire by just successively chopping off a little bit at a time; you can solder in a new wire if need be.

    The length does not have to be super precise by the way - a loose wire antenna is not a highly tuned (Hi-Q) antenna and a slightly suboptimal length doesn't dramatically alter the results. Which is good, since the modules operate over a range of frequencies - and because even without the PCB antenna to really complicate things, even the PCB trace between the chip and the wire is part of the tuning as well, not just the bendable wire.

    Stranded wire vs solid should not have a large effect, compared to the many other factors involved here.

  • Contest Winner

    Hi Pete,

    I'm new to this forum, but I wanted to give you a big thumbs up. I really enjoyed watching your videos and I learned a lot from watching them. It's because of people like you that made me decide to start using MySensors.

    I have an old 433Mhx power plug that is broken. I see if I can turn it in to a MySensors power plug 😉

  • Admin

    @Zeph I agree. This is complicated stuff that I don't even begin to grasp. That said it is a cheap and easy hack to try. In my case it has helped every time. Maybe I just got lucky but it helped enough of my nodes that I thought I'd at least tell people about it. If it doesn't work, then just remove the wire and no harm done. Thanks for all your contributions to the site. Your knowledge is helping a lot of people.

    @TheoL Thanks for the kind words! Although, credit really goes to @hek and the team. They are the geniuses that make this all work! Good luck with "mysensoring" the old power plug. But, be careful, it's addicting. 🙂

  • Hero Member

    @petewill just to be clear - I appreciate your posting that adding the loose wire to the on-PCB antenna helped, and I'm not discouraging that. If it works, it works! Mostly I wanted people to understand that it's going to be trial and error, rather than something where they can count on calculating the best length (because it's added to another antenna at an unanticipated point, rather than being a standalone wire antenna). It would not surprise me if somebody found that a 6.5 cm wire worked better than 8.33cm, for their particular case (picking an example length at random). Wiggle those rabbit ears!

    I love the examples you post and your excellent videos. I have modestly good knowledge here and there, with gaps in other places, and your working examples give me confidence/inspiration to build something I haven't before - along with practical (not just theoretical) advice. You even turn your minor mistakes into lessons - how it should have been done, and how you managed to work around it anyway. Keep them coming!

  • Admin

    @Zeph said:

    Mostly I wanted people to understand that it's going to be trial and error, rather than something where they can count on calculating the best length (because it's added to another antenna at an unanticipated point, rather than being a standalone wire antenna). It would not surprise me if somebody found that a 6.5 cm wire worked better than 8.33cm, for their particular case (picking an example length at random). Wiggle those rabbit ears!

    I agree. The more knowledge provided to people the better hopefully it will result in better communicating nodes. Thanks for the posts!

  • Contest Winner

    @petewill Off course I'm very gratefull for what @hek and the team created. I've been playing with mySensors for a week now. And I'm still amazed by it. It's so easy to use. And I haven't had a failure yet. I'm currently promoting MySensors to everyone I know ;-).

    @hek Do you happen to have some small stickers with the MySensors logo? Ik would love to put them on the sensors I create. Something like "Powered by MySensors"?

  • Admin

    @TheoL said:

    Do you happen to have some small stickers with the MySensors logo? Ik would love to put them on the sensors I create. Something like "Powered by MySensors"?

    Good idea. But currently not something we have.

  • Hero Member

    I like the idea of logo stickers. Better in some ways than typical swag like t-shirts and coffee cups, because if it goes on the devices we build that provides useful information, not just advertising. Maybe leave a blank section where a node number could optionally be written in with a sharpie, or a version.

    Maybe "Networked by MySensors.org" rather than powered? ("Telepathy by MySensors"?)

  • Contest Winner

    @Zeph How about Wired by MySensors 😉 Because my experience is that it seems like all sensors and the gateway are wired together because of MySensors.

  • Admin

  • Contest Winner

    @hek they look good to me! Maybe you can start a poll on this forum. Ask the members who would like to buy the stickers. If the majority wants them, we can order them.

  • Hero Member

    The domes are kind of cool for some things, but I think for this purpose I'd actually prefer flat stickers that fit smoothly on any side of a project box, even curved, without protruding and looking like something that should be pressed, or that should light up.

    (OTOH domes atop an illuminated button (assuming translucent backing) would be awesome in some cases)

    And with flat, (re) distribution in small batches is easier - one could get a lot of them in a minimum-postage conventional letter.

  • Hi Pete,

    I'm thinking of using the AMS1117 3.3v regulator. Can I still use the 0.1uF and 10uF capacitors or do I need to use others. Because I run into sites saying I need to use 100uF and 1000uF and I think the difference is pretty big.



    btw: Great video! It helped me a lot!!

  • Admin

    @Kenney-R said:

    I'm thinking of using the AMS1117 3.3v regulator. Can I still use the 0.1uF and 10uF capacitors or do I need to use others.

    Yes, that should be fine. The capacitors are there to help filter the power to the radio (which can be sensitive).

  • Hero Member

    Regarding adding wires to the on-PCB antenna of a nRF24L01+ module, here's someone who used two wires (andcut some traces) to create a dipole. He knew that it was hard to really calculate the appropriate values, so he did empirical testing to find the best lengths, using a test program.


    And is this from the same Pete or another one?
    Cheap DIY NRF24L01 Antenna Modification – 02:48
    — Pete B

  • Hero Member

    Another interesting (albeit long) video testing range of various modules and antennae.

    Ultimate nRF24L01 range comparison – 38:17
    — iforce2d

    The interoperability of different types is somewhat surprising. Some had only a 2/3 packet success ratio even at close range, but retained that for a long distance, for example. He did try cap vs no cap, and with "whip" (really more of a stubby or rubber ducky style) antenna parallel or with one pointing at the other. The unit with PA+LNA and shield was overall pretty good for range.

  • Admin

    @Zeph thanks for sharing. Always better to have more info and hopefully better range!

  • @sundberg84 how are you powering the arduino?

  • Hardware Contributor

    Im using a USB charger as pete does in the video but mine is a iphone charger instead of a samsung.

  • Nice project, both Petewill and sundberg84.
    I was just wandering if you @sundberg84 know more about what is the device type/model/manufacturer you were moding?

    I've used quite some time and effort to find localy some good case that I can modify, I did manage to hack some of them but they are just not quite reliable (something with power just kills caps too often).

    Thanks in advance, sorry for bringing up old topic (but it is a very good one 🙂 )

  • Hardware Contributor

    @dakipro - Its a low brand 433mhz wall plugs i bought in Sweden called Everflourish emw100r. I dont think they are sold anymore. Its probably some china brand so maybe they are sold in another name.

  • So I have been thinking of building some relay controlled power strip nodes similar to these, but there have been some issues that I have been thinking about. The first is that if I am going to use a relay to turn on an outlet, the relay would need to be powered the entire time that I would want that device on. This would mean that not only am I powering the device that is plugged in, but the power to keep the relay on also. Wouldn't it be smarter to use latching relays? At least with those you don't need to keep power to the relay while your outlet is on. Has anyone ever done a MySensors node with latching relays? If so, how do you manage monitoring the state of the device?

  • out of the curiosity, what is downside of powering the relay entire time?
    that is how (all) wall switches work out of the box, you press the button and they turn on/off by powering the relay (all the time).
    I think that they work quite reliably when it comes to keeping power to the reley

  • @dakipro I wouldn't say that ALL wall switches work that way. And when you say (all) wall switches, what are you referring to? Standard (non automated) wall switches don't use relays. Also, most if not all of the X10 relay modules and wall switches that I have use latching relays.

  • I meant these typical automated/controlled wall switches mentioned in the topic http://www.nexa.se/vara-produkter/system-nexa/mottagare-paav/eycr-2300
    I opened 6-7 different ones to find the right casing for some projects, and they all had "regular" relay that goes back when the power is off (thus being powered the whole time). Of course I didn't open every single one of them, that is why I put (all) in parentheses.
    I am also not the expert on the relay topic, that is why I asked what is the downside 🙂

  • @petewill greetings sir.. Im getting error in your source code.. Maybe imported a wrong library.. Sir can i ask where did u get your MySensors.h library.. I get mine in codebender..

    My error is..

    MySensor gw;

    MySensor does not a nametype

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