š¬ MDMSensor "Multisensor"
Have you tried BME280 sensors? It seems for me that single BME280 sensor can substitute this sensors list:
DS18B20 (temperature sensor)
DHT11 (humidity sensor)
Si7021 (humidity sensor)
BMP180 (pressure sensor)
@robosensor said:
Have you tried BME280 sensors?
No, I haven't.
@robosensor said:
It seems for me that single BME280 sensor can substitute this sensors list:
DS18B20 (temperature sensor)
DHT11 (humidity sensor)
Si7021 (humidity sensor)
BMP180 (pressure sensor)Of course it is possible. I use the most popular types of sensors in the community, for which there are many ready-made examples. Also, everyone can solder just necessary sensors for him to make its own device.
But despite this, I am ready to discuss a set of sensors in my "Multisensor"..... and I don't have ordered pcb's , it means that something can be changed
Is it possibe to add any additional sensors to the build, like PIR?
I have received the pcbs from PCBWAY. Quality as always on top + a small price (10$ - 10pcs). I am going to solder two versions with different radios ASAP. To be continued...
The first MDMSensor board is assembled (NRF24 version). Now I'm going to test it and make enclosure.
Very cool. What kind of connector are you using to connect to the programming pads?
@TD22057, This is Industrial Card Edge Slot Socket Connector
I use my own handmade an adapter for programming.
It has a lot wires, instead this i made the MDMSAccessory "Programming" few days ago.
Possible to add also other battery holder like CR123 or CR2450 to the board?
@MiKa Yes, i think it is possible. I already have some improvments for this device, but i have no free time to do this, because i am working on MDMSNode "Power" now.
Hi @kalina. Sorry for rebumping this topic with an unrelated concern.
I am interested in the enclosures you've made for this design and for your gateway.
I have finished a design of my own and now I want to design the enclosure, but I have found that is very expensive to have a custom case built for this prototypes boards, specially when dealing with low volumes.How do you deal with this issue? Have you found a cheap plastic case manufacturer?
@gonzalonal said in
MDMSensor "Multisensor":
How do you deal with this issue? Have you found a cheap plastic case manufacturer?
I look for an enclosure on the Aliexpress site, but all these enclosures not ready for using, they require machining on CNC machines.
I have made the firtst device with enclosure already...
Is that 3d printed or did you do some injection moulding?
@hek I hope he did some cnc work on it
@gohan Yes, you are right, this is done by cnc router.