this kind of optic fiber is probably only plastic so for a full DIY , you can use also fishing wire with a big power led or an old chistmass tree optic fiber lighted.....
yes, but you saw the little point functions your arduino is very capable of, yes?
if you post your attempt at a sketch to control your fan (or even pseudo code) we can certainly help you code it up for Vera.
@yoonie said:
For the pro mini version, should i create another Openhardware project, or should i put it here, in the already existing project?
Might be better to create a new project as they uses a different set of design files.
I apologize for the questions and how simple they may be, as Im new to this community but very intrigued with the creativity and endless possibilities.
@kimot in theory you might be right, but in practice... it just works. The propability of collisions is extremely low and this is, as far as I know, the only problem you can worry about. After all, it was not my idea to use MySensors with RS485: