💬 Arduino Pro Mini Shield for RFM69(H)W
Are there any more files for this board?
The files should be accessible now.
Thank you very much @NeverDie
Just ordered a batch from dangerousprototypes(dot)com
Thank you very much @NeverDie
I ordered some OSH park...
You're welcome. Because it leverages the Pro Mini, it doesn't require many discrete parts. Also, the soldering is fairly straight forward.
I just now posted Version 014. The changes are:
- I enlarged the pad holes by 0.3mm to make aligning the pins between the Pro Mini and the adapter board easier. The prior version worked, but the alignment was a little tight.
- I increaased the board size slightly in order to maintain clearances between the larger holes/pads and the edges of the board.
- I added some text to the bottom silk screen which better identifies the board and its version number.
Hi @NeverDie,
I just received my batch and they look nice.
I noticed that the RFM69 DI00 is routed to Pin 4 on the Pro Mini instead of Pin 2 that I usually use. Does this really work? How did you account for this in your sketch?
@korttoma said:
Hi @NeverDie,
I just received my batch and they look nice.
I noticed that the RFM69 DI00 is routed to Pin 4 on the Pro Mini instead of Pin 2 that I usually use. Does this really work? How did you account for this in your sketch?
You are correct. It's a bug. I just now uploaded corrected files.
The current version is now Version 15.
So what is the easiest way to correct this if the previous PCB is used? Can I change in the sketch so it works anyway or do I need to solder some wire?
I suppose setting Pin 4 to INPUT after running a wire from Pin 4 to Pin 2 would patch it. Or you could solder bridge between 2 and 3, and then solder bridge again between 3 and 4. In that case, you'd set both Pin 3 and Pin 4 to input, assuming they weren't being used for something else.If you have the boards but haven't yet soldered the headers, then I suggest doing the solder bridges, but don't connect header pins to pins 3 and 4. Then there's no need to set pins 3 and 4 to INPUT. I think that would be the cleanest fix.
That said, if the firmware you're running isn't relying on interrupts, then no patch would be needed. For instance, I had previously tested the PCB using lowpowerlab's node and gateway example code, which doesn't use interrupts for send and receive. That's why I didn't notice the bug until it was pointed out by Korttoma.
Also, I shrunk the board a little bit in Version 15, so it should cost less to get fab'd. On OSH-PARK, for example, it would now cost exactly $4 for 3 boards.
For some reason the Version 015 files disappeared after I posted them. So, I re-posted them this morning. Hopefully they stick this time.
Hi guys!
Thanks to NeverDie, I've just received my first batch!
Can anyone post the code for the board with the sensor?
@andre_x it is pretty straightforward, there are already examples rfm69 examples around the forum: it's basically the node example sketch with added sensor library and a few lines of code to read and send temperature/humidity
Hi Guys,
I am having troubles with the Version 015 ( i have checked that DI00 is routed to PIN2).
My definition for the radio looks like this:
// Enable and select radio type attached #define MY_RADIO_RFM69 #define MY_IS_RFM69HW #define MY_RFM69_FREQUENCY RF69_433MHZ
but i still get a error:
!TSM:FPAR:FAILAdding a capacitor did nit help either. Does someone have a similar Issue?
Is any chance to also project it for Arduino Pro Mini but for version 5V ?
@pepson I guess not since it would need a logic level converter if you don't want to fry the rfm69 module
But it is not only other voltage power ? I use it on my Arduino Pro Mini 5V and use reduce power from 5V to 3,3V by stabilizer... But i use version 5V because i use it with sketch to control relay...
read rfm69 datasheed, the pins can only take up to 3.6V, they are not 5V tolerant like the NF24
But i reduce power from 5V to 3,3V by AMS1117
I'm not talking about vcc, I'm talking about data pins
if your arduino VCC is 5v, then arduino SPI lines are running at 5v and sending 5v to RFM69 SPI pins which is not ok. like gohan said, you need level shifter, or use a 3v arduino pro mini
i use it on arduino pro mini 5v and works ok. no problem. Also use RFM69HW on RPi3 and also works ok.
When i use on Arduino Pro Mini 5V i can not use RFM69HW with AMS1117 ? Radio will be destroy after some times ?
Also on mysensors show how connect it to Arduino 5V
@pepson "NOTE: The NSS, MOSI and SCK are not 5V tolerant on RFM69. You will need to use a level converter if you're using a 5V Arduino."....
Ok but why nothing is describe on MySensors on page where show how connect radio ?
But i have connected and works ok 5V without logic level converter...If i not use this logic level converter what will be happen ?
I can use this https://pl.aliexpress.com/item/8CH-IIC-I2C-Logic-Level-Converter-Bi-Directional-Module-DC-DC-5V-to-3-3V-Setp/32238089139.html?spm=a2g17.search0104.3.299.voV8Dr&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_4_10152_5000015_10151_10065_10344_10068_10342_10343_51102_10340_10341_5130015_10084_10083_10304_10307_10301_10312_10059_10313_10314_10534_5790011_100031_10604_10103_10594_5060015_10142,searchweb201603_32,ppcSwitch_4&algo_expid=1efe59eb-1872-47dd-8d87-8a30137c624f-24&algo_pvid=1efe59eb-1872-47dd-8d87-8a30137c624f&rmStoreLevelAB=5 ?
You're messing things, you should recheck.
zboblamont extracted the note exactly from here https://www.mysensors.org/build/connect_radio
If you check the rfm69 section, then you'll see it's not 5v tolerant. You can also check min and max input voltage in rfm69 datasheet if you need.
In the above link, it is not mentioned that it is using a 5v arduino (i agree the regulator on the pic can be misleading, but there is the note..).As there is no level shifter on the pic, you should consider it as 3v arduino with use of additional regulator in case the arduino is not beefy enough for the radio module..On your rpi, do you connect the rfm69 vcc to 5v rpi? I don't think so, or you'll fry your radio.. And the Rpi GPIO are 3v, not 5v. So no problem for the radio spi.
3v arduino mini pro has a regulator to convert 5v input to 3v for atmel. So on these boards, the atmel vcc is 3v, and signals too. To not mess with 5v arduinos, which are running full 5v.
I guess these level shifter should work, I have no xp with these. And generally prefer to go simpler, without levelshifting.
ok but for arduino pro mini 3v i can not connect relay 5v. I use it to control relay...
Can i use it : https://pl.aliexpress.com/item/8CH-IIC-I2C-Logic-Level-Converter-Bi-Directional-Module-DC-DC-5V-to-3-3V-Setp/32238089139.html?spm=a2g17.search0104.3.299.voV8Dr&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_4_10152_5000015_10151_10065_10344_10068_10342_10343_51102_10340_10341_5130015_10084_10083_10304_10307_10301_10312_10059_10313_10314_10534_5790011_100031_10604_10103_10594_5060015_10142,searchweb201603_32,ppcSwitch_4&algo_expid=1efe59eb-1872-47dd-8d87-8a30137c624f-24&algo_pvid=1efe59eb-1872-47dd-8d87-8a30137c624f&rmStoreLevelAB=5
@pepson I suggest you read it again.... The table refers to VCC 3.3v, thereby what is shown NOT a 5v device, the NOTE on that page and which I quoted above spells it out clearly, a converter would be required for 5v.
If you are supplying it with 5v as well as connecting 5v logic, it is working outside it's specifications, that it is working at all is luck, but magic smoke will appear at some point.
To VCC i put 3.3V (by AMS1117)
All other pins from Arduino i use directly.
let's recap, I'm not sure you got it..
Says you have a VIN of 5 or 9V, and you connect it to your arduino. On the arduino board you have a ldo. So:- 5V Arduino variants will convert the VIN to a 5V VCC supply to you microcontroller (let's call it atmel, or 328p it's shorter). At this moment the atmel is running fully on 5v. If you set an IO to HIGH or =1, it will output 5V! And it's the same for SPI that you connect to your radio module. You thought you could apply a lower voltage to the radio module by applying an external 3V ?? Can't work, because SPI has datain and dataout. Dataout from atmel to radio will be 5v!!
- 3V arduino variants will convert your VIN (5, 9V etc..) to 3v. The atmel will run on 3v, its pins and peripherals too, so no problem for the dataout above.
I can't explain better, or maybe you should use a 3v arduino, and add a fet to drive your relay from 5v.
I would prefer this way (level shifting a basic io, than level shifting the spi bus)
@pepson This reminds of that famous quotation "Any ship can be a Minesweeper..."
@pepson if you need to run a relay, just get an optoisolated relay board and you can use a 3.3v arduino or raspberry without problems.
What is "fet" ?When i use Arduino Pro Mini 3V i can put power 5V to Arduino and he step down to 3V ? Arduino will not destroy ?
@gohan said in
Arduino Pro Mini Shield for RFM69(H)W:
@pepson if you need to run a relay, just get an optoisolated relay board and you can use a 3.3v arduino or raspberry without problems.
I dont uderstand ?
Relay is power by 5V. But if i use Arduino Pro Mini 3V he give to relay 3V and relay probably not working on power 3V...
Sorry i am beginner...And i can use this logic level converter
Get one of these and you can use whatever arduino you want
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/With-Optocoupler-4-Channel-4-channel-Relay-Modules-Relay-Control-Panel-PLC-Relay-5V-Four-Way/32458001101.htmlAnd maybe a new rfm69 module since you probably already killed the one you used.
@pepson if you have the 5V power supply, you get it from there
@pepson If you go to 3v Arduino, the answer seems likely to be a 3v relay, either a package as @gohan suggested or roll your own, no ?
FYI, I have a 3v3 node with a RFM69 which has to run a 5v sensor but the number of spare pins is limited, so after many trials and tribulations, am using a 5v Arduino to run and task the sensor with the results being passed back via I2C to the 3.3 device via level converter, all initiated via a single DPDT relay which switches the booster and 5v unit on and off after each cycle..
"Radio works ok." is today, tomorrow is another day...
According to this connection guide https://www.mysensors.org/build/connect_radio the pro mini D2 will connect to RFN69's DI00.
But the shield seems to connect D4 to DI00.
Is it OK? Or we need to adapt our sketches?Thanks
@muguran said in
Arduino Pro Mini Shield for RFM69(H)W:
But the shield seems to connect D4 to DI00.
Actually, no. DIO0 does connect to D2 on this shield, so there should be no issues.
It seems that I've got another board: it have 4 holes above GND, D2, D3 and D4, and DI00 is connected to the one for D4.
Is this an old version?
I've ordered at the beginning of this year.
@muguran post a picture if you can
Yes, that's an older version. A fix is discussed in the comments above.
Where i can buy this pcb to connect RFM69HW with Arduino Mini Pro ?
@pepson said in
Arduino Pro Mini Shield for RFM69(H)W:
Where i can buy this pcb to connect RFM69HW with Arduino Mini Pro ?Click "buy" at this link: https://www.openhardware.io/view/268/Arduino-Pro-Mini-Shield-for-RFM69HW
hi.i know that discoussion have some months ,buti'm only doing my rfm69 conversion from nrf24 ,now.
second this picture here, i can leave digital pin 2 from arduino direct to rfm69 d0 pin. Without anylevel converter when use a 5v arduino
is that true? will not fry because that?
i will use a ams1117 3.3v regulator for power rfm69c from my 5v pro minis
If I remeber right that pin is used as input so the RFM69 is not receiving any 5v signal. In addition there are people claming they have the RFM69 module working on 5v on data pins and 3.3v on vcc, but I hardly suggest to do it.
@gohan said in
Arduino Pro Mini Shield for RFM69(H)W:
If I remeber right that pin is used as input so the RFM69 is not receiving any 5v signal. In addition there are people claming they have the RFM69 module working on 5v on data pins and 3.3v on vcc, but I hardly suggest to do it.
thank you just what i thought .
about direct 5v on data...well... i seen a big red sign saying n :DONT do it! lol
Level converters are so cheap...that i ordered 5 or 10 thoguether with rfm69 board.sorry about hijack this topic, i though i was on general discussion
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