💬 EFEKTA Temp&Hum sensor(ver. nRF52 )+E-Ink display

  • @heinzv said in 💬 EFEKTA Temp&Hum sensor(ver. nRF52832 )+E-Ink display:

    The one ordered soldered module is still in transit (or I did not get it so far).

    I have not sent it to you yet, I have a problem with China, I am still waiting for new modified boards, I want to send you the latest version, please wait, do not cancel the order. I will also add new PCBs to the package (there are no changes in the components and numbering, just placed differently)

    The device has become thinner, less in height, all electronic components have been removed from the side of the batteries, and PCB have been prepared for mounting in the case.

  • @berkseo Thanks, very good modifications. I'll wait patiently 🙂 I'll then not use the 5 + 5 PC's and eait for the new ones.
    Do I understand you right, that I'll receive another 5 + 5 updated PCB's without additional money charged? That would be great (if required I can send you additional €'s or US$).
    Thanks for the font-hints. I'll test it once I'm back from my BIZ-trip.

  • @HEINZV Thanks for the clues. Now all modules are programmed in the Arduino IDE. Absolutely all modules - MySensors | Low power mode | programming in Arduino IDE | MySensors – 00:31
    — Andrew EfektaSB


    Truth were nuances. Had to remove all the drivers for J-LINK, remove nRF GO. Then I installed the j-LINK Windows v640 drivers. Then again I installed nRF GO. And the most important point when installing nRF GO refuse to install drivers for J-LINK. nRF GO works with both my Chinese j-LINK clones 🙂

  • @berkseo glad to hear, that it worked.
    I'm meanwhile working on the sketch for the Tem & Hum sensor node. As written, I've switched to the GxEPD e-Paper library. It is easier to use and is installable via the Arduino Studio or via platform.io.
    I've evaluated a lot of fonts and have finally found one I like and which fits to the display even with the decimals. I used the fontconvert from the GxEPD lib which can convert any TTF or OTF font.
    Here is a picture (I'm still using the MySesnors PCB from ranseyer waiting for the new PCB's from you)

  • @heinzv Finally got the PCB. Soon I will send the finished device.
    1_1543170753492_F436A79B-4D32-458F-BDBB-1CB435D7668B.jpg 0_1543170753492_805C0A8F-BB55-497D-B063-431C1D2E5687.jpg

  • @berkseo good to hear. And you also mentioned to send some new PCB'
    s? Let me know if I had to pay something additional.

  • The second revision of the device is ready, the tests are passed. Added cutouts and holes on the power Board for mounting in the case. Transferred inductance of the display (680), made a cut for her on the power PCB. All this slightly reduced the size of the device, now the size of 36mm x 52mm (old size 36mm x 54mm). The down-converter moves to the other side of the power PCB.

  • @heinzv The device and additional PCB are shipped.


  • @berkseo looks very good, very professional work. I'll solder a few devices once I get the new PCB's and will also work further on my version of the firmware. It works already quite nice (transfering float values and showing decimals).
    Attached the picture of a working pair of a sensor node (using my PCB's) and a SHT31 and a nRF52 serial gateway.


  • @berkseo I've got your Temp/Hum sensor today and the PCB's (3+3). Since I have ordered the cr2477 batteries and your batterholder takes only the cr2450, I've tried it with the program adapter and USB power. It works. Thanks. I have ordered now additional cr2450 batteries.
    I took the batteryholder form your list and they are for the cr2477!

    Then I soldered my own first two PCB's, the battery PCB and the Sensor PCB. It took me quite a while (3 hours at least). It's nothing for beginners (but I not a beginner 🙂 )
    However during my testing, I found my battery PCB working and the sensor node runs the MYSensors part and the LED blinks but the E-Paper does not work and also the SHT20 returns 998 for temp and hum.

    I have not found the C12 capacitor in your parts decription list, but only a C14 (which is not printed on the PCB) with 10uF. So I assumed the C12 = 10uF. I have seached the page and there is no C12.
    One the other hand, I have not found C14 on the new PCB. Maybe it's below C13 and no part print on PCB? The C13 is larger then the pads below, so it's confusing.
    Maybe you can update/correct it on openhwardware, so that I can solder it correct.

    So looking for the problems with e-paper and SHT20: A schematic diagram would really really help me, otherwise I'm lost. Please provide it (or at least via a PM?).
    Would it be possible to get it? If you have e.g. an Eagle project (schematics and board).

    It was really essential, that you provided the programm adapter for the tiny SWD connector. Thanks for that!

    here are my soldered PCB's:


  • @heinzv said in 💬 EFEKTA Temp&Hum sensor(ver. nRF52832 )+E-Ink display:

    I've got your Temp/Hum sensor today and the PCB's (3+3). Since I have ordered the cr2477 batteries and your batterholder takes only the cr2450, I've tried it with the program adapter and USB power. It works. Thanks. I have ordered now additional cr2450 batteries.
    I took the batteryholder form your list and they are for the cr2477!
    Then I soldered my own first two PCB's, the battery PCB and the Sensor PCB. It took me quite a while (3 hours at least). It's nothing for beginners (but I not a beginner )
    However during my testing, I found my battery PCB working and the sensor node runs the MYSensors part and the LED blinks but the E-Paper does not work and also the SHT20 returns 998 for temp and hum.
    I have not found the C12 capacitor in your parts decription list, but only a C14 (which is not printed on the PCB) with 10uF. So I assumed the C12 = 10uF. I have seached the page and there is no C12. All capacitors are ceramic.
    One the other hand, I have not found C14 on the new PCB. Maybe it's below C13 and no part print on PCB? The C13 is larger then the pads below, so it's confusing.
    Maybe you can update/correct it on openhwardware, so that I can solder it correct.
    So looking for the problems with e-paper and SHT20: A schematic diagram would really really help me, otherwise I'm lost. Please provide it (or at least via a PM?).
    Would it be possible to get it? If you have e.g. an Eagle project (schematics and board).
    It was really essential, that you provided the programm adapter for the tiny SWD connector. Thanks for that!
    here are my soldered PCB's:

    There are 3 types of battery holders, I make ready-made devices only on 2450, it is optimal, 2477 very high, the device in the case turns out to be disproportionate.

    I solder for about half an hour:). Judging by the description of your problems, it's all about soldering. Solder the temperature sensor and the connector for the display should be a Hairdryer and solder paste. This is by the way perhaps the two most difficult procedures at home.

    C13 is a capacitor from 47mf to 200mf, I added it later. C14 is a 0.1 mf capacitor. C12 is a capacitor on the display inductance input, it should be from 4.7 mf to 10mf.

    Full schemes there is no, there is only parts of. I have this project done right in the program for PCB layout. But I understand that this is becoming a problem, and I will add the scheme to the project in the near future. Sorry, I know I should have done this a long time ago :((.

    You wrote a post last year :), I with the holidays just gave all that up. How you're doing now. Were you able to find a problem with the display and the temperature sensor?

  • @berkseo Happy new year! I was waiting for an answer from you, so I have not done any further investigation before I have more infos 😉
    I have now ordered another batch of 2450 battery holders (I have obviously clicket in the second link in your parts list which was the 2477).

    So based on your info, my C13 is definitly wrong, I have used a 0.1uF and need to change it to a 100uf (what are you using as you write 47uF to 200uF ?). I think I need to order them first. For C12 I used a 10uF so that fits.

    I think I could also have some problems with the 0.1uF parts as I have only the larger 1206 which I have to replace with 805 or 603 sized. I have ordered them already but you know that takes another 4-6weeks. So I'll wait till all parts are there and continue then with your infos and the correct ordered parts.

    I have also problems with my new script as my power consumption was first 0.8mA (800uA) and now it's even 3.1mA during sleep (on my other PCB's), but was following your sleep procedure (putting all internal and external devices to powerdown). I was expecting somewhat between 2 and 20uA, so I have to analyze what is wrong.

    So you solder your PCB in 0.5hour? Then I might order the PCB's bette rfrom you 🙂 It takes me at least 2+ hours (the first was 3hrs).
    I have a super small soldering iron and I also have a hot air SMD soldering station and quality solder paste. May I try it again with solder paste.

    more then later.

    thanks and bye till later

  • "L1, Inductance 4.7uh 1210 1 pcs", the text says 4.7uh but link goes to a store that sells 47uh. Which should it be?

  • @magpern

    Also replaced on the project page. Inductance on 4.7 was, apparently they ran out.

  • The project became closed. Reason: I previously placed links to all the necessary components for this device(see screenshot). This allowed me to earn quite a bit on the affiliate program. This allowed me a bit to recoup the costs, they are not small. The site administration considers this type of earnings unacceptable.

    0_1547813559311_Без имени.png

  • @berkseo Seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!! It cannot be true!!! I have just ordered PCBs and all needed stuff to assemble it, and now the code is gone!!! Please post the code again, or make it available on alternative sites.. please. It is hundreds of dollars to waste otherwise!

  • @magpern said in 💬 EFEKTA Temp&Hum sensor(ver. nRF52832 )+E-Ink display:

    Seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!! It cannot be true!!! I have just ordered PCBs and all needed stuff to assemble it, and now the code is gone!!! Please post the code again, or make it available on alternative sites.. please. It is hundreds of dollars to waste otherwise!

    The project will remain open, like others. I was in a bad mood that day:)... The rules of the site administration are reasonable, and the decision to open the project was mine.

    Code for Arduino IDE - https://drive.google.com/file/d/13wmxCt9XehJr1E2eyG1RnYsQTMb9A2LR/view?usp=sharing

  • @berkseo said in 💬 EFEKTA Temp&Hum sensor(ver. nRF52832 )+E-Ink display:

    @magpern said in 💬 EFEKTA Temp&Hum sensor(ver. nRF52832 )+E-Ink display:

    Seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!! It cannot be true!!! I have just ordered PCBs and all needed stuff to assemble it, and now the code is gone!!! Please post the code again, or make it available on alternative sites.. please. It is hundreds of dollars to waste otherwise!

    The project will remain open, like others. I was in a bad mood that day:)... The rules of the site administration are reasonable, and the decision to open the project was mine.

    Code for Arduino IDE - https://drive.google.com/file/d/13wmxCt9XehJr1E2eyG1RnYsQTMb9A2LR/view?usp=sharing

    Thank you! You scared me big time!
    Bad ting without links is that eg. clock button 2 pcs... there are millions of clock buttons and to pick the right one with out a link.. well, almost impossible.

    Thanks again!

  • @berkseo I have continued to work on the new PCB's und have oredered some 603 resistors und condensors. I have checked all of the parts and the soldering but did not get the one PCB to displays something. The program runs und I see the LED flashing and also the log looks normal.

    A build a second PCB and this one shows the intro graphics but with a grey background and then it stops showing something. No idea what goes wrong.


  • @heinzv
    I apologize that long did not answer. Did you solve the problem? I noticed that the inductance is small (it seemed to me). You should also check for solder connectors ribbon cable. Perhaps not all contacts are soldered and some contact lies on the PCB is not soldered. I had once, it was not well soldered contact pin on display connector .

  • Can you take me pictures in good resolution?

  • @berkseo no I have not solved the problem yet. I 'll take another picture with higher resolution tomorrow and post it here.
    The inductance has the value which is specifiied (I think 68uH). I have all ordered by the links provided.
    I have checked the soldering and resolved a few times. I think all pins shall be soldered, but I can verify it again. That was also my first thought and checked the ribbon cable over and over again.

  • @berkseo took a bit longer and I have now taken a picture with my Nikon Cam, not sure if it helps, I might add another one if required.
    But you see the inductor has 68uH.


  • hey @berkseo these look amazing, any estimate when they might be available again as assembled unit?
    Any estimate on how long the battery lasts, with lats say update every 15min?
    Could these be updated OTA somehow (or directly perhaps)?
    I would like to have option to change layout, or perhaps add some other values to it maybe.
    They look amazing, I would like several of these in each room for various things displayed

  • @berkseo @heinzv I finally got around to solder one of these together. It was not easy, placing the components was kind of a guessing game, but I think I got it right. When I put two batteries in and turn it on there is a buzzing noise, maybe normal? Anyway... I never realized programming this thing would be a problem.

    What equipment is needed to program it? I don't recognize the labeling on the pcb (gnd/vcc sdo/sclk rx/tx)

  • @berkseo is the device programmed when output says this?

    Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0-dev-00254-g696fc0a (2016-04-10-10:13)
    Licensed under GNU GPL v2
    For bug reports, read
    debug_level: 0
    adapter speed: 10000 kHz
    nrf52.cpu: target state: halted
    target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread 
    xPSR: 0x01000000 pc: 0xfffffffe msp: 0xfffffffc
    ** Programming Started **
    auto erase enabled
    nrf52.cpu: target state: halted
    target halted due to breakpoint, current mode: Thread 
    xPSR: 0x61000000 pc: 0x2000001e msp: 0xfffffffc
    wrote 102400 bytes from file C:\Users\eu1391\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_38086/epd1in54-demo.ino.hex in 2.178483s (45.904 KiB/s)
    ** Programming Finished **
    ** Verify Started **
    nrf52.cpu: target state: halted
    target halted due to breakpoint, current mode: Thread 
    xPSR: 0x61000000 pc: 0x2000002e msp: 0xfffffffc
    verified 100668 bytes in 0.296666s (331.378 KiB/s)
    ** Verified OK **
    ** Resetting Target **
    shutdown command invoked

    The only thing happening when I turn it on, is that the LED flashed once. Then occasionally the LED flashed sporadically.
    The e-paper is just white.

    Can you power the board from another source then the battery pcb?
    The board needs to be powered when programming it, right? I'm using a ST-LINK V2 with the SWD pins connected.
    How do you debug the board? I use Arduino IDE

  • It sure is lonely in here... but finally SUCCESS!!!!
    After days of googling and checking and rechecking the board for shorts, I found the problem. The 68uH was dead. Maybe damaged when soldering it. It did not conduct anything. After changing it to a new one, the display started working.
    0_1563229346799_2019-07-16 00.13.40.jpg
    Any idea how battery can be at 60% on more or less fresh batteries... anyway, that is another problem.

    I still have one question, if anyone can chip in that would be great.
    On the SWD connector it says, TX and RX, how do I use them?
    Or really what I mean, how do you debug the device? I use a ST-Link V2, but I am not getting any COM-port so I cannot start the serial debugger. Is the TX/RX used for the serial debugging? Can I use ST-Link V2 for this or do I need a separate device?
    I have tried to change the driver with ZADIG, but still no COM-port. As for now I have only connected 4 of the 6 pins in the SWD.

    Please @berkseo help me!

  • @magpern said in 💬 EFEKTA Temp&Hum sensor(ver. nRF52832 )+E-Ink display:

    is the device programmed when output says this?


  • @magpern said in 💬 EFEKTA Temp&Hum sensor(ver. nRF52832 )+E-Ink display:

    Any idea how battery can be at 60% on more or less fresh batteries... anyway, that is another problem.

    Calculate the resistor divider. It is on the power Board. Perhaps you have mixed up resistors.

  • @magpern said in 💬 EFEKTA Temp&Hum sensor(ver. nRF52832 )+E-Ink display:

    On the SWD connector it says, TX and RX, how do I use them?

    Via TTL Converter. The program must be enabled in the debug.

  • @berkseo said in 💬 EFEKTA Temp&Hum sensor(ver. nRF52832 )+E-Ink display:

    TTL Converter.

    Thanks! I found in another thread one could use a FTDI, I will try that!

  • @magpern said in 💬 EFEKTA Temp&Hum sensor(ver. nRF52832 )+E-Ink display:

    Can I use ST-Link V2 for this or do I need a separate device?

    You can connect the programmer and TTL Converter at the same time. You can also do so - https://translate.google.ru/translate?hl=&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fmysensors-rus.github.io%2Ftroubleshooting_on_Cortex_MCU_in_Arduino%2F

  • @magpern any USB2COM of your choice 🙂

  • @magpern Very neatly done!

  • @berkseo Thanks! Hopefully I can finish my project of automating my radiators. Project has been ongoing for many years.

    Btw, any chance you could upload the gerber for the newest version of the board, the one with the inductor placed more centered on the board and with a hole in the power board? I see now the boards sandwich better if the hole is there.
    (and ofcourse of you have a newer version of the code, that too)

  • @berkseo
    Good looking device that you have created originally 🙂

  • Edit: After I posted this the device has worked for 2 days. But still, the capasitors are they correct?

    @berkseo I have a wierd problem with the SHT20 sensor. It stops working after a few reads. Then the device hangs and goes into battery draining mode with atleast 8mA constant current. I have localized it to the SHT20, because if I comment out the init and read temp/humidity of the SHT20 the device boots up.
    The wierdest is that the SHT20 stops responding for quite some time, even if I power cycle the device, it is still not responding.
    Last night I had it running for 1 hour, powered with 3.3V directly. Turned power of, had some sleep, turned power on SHT20 not responding. Turned power of, played with the kids, 3 hours later turned power on, the SHT20 is now responding. Now it's been going for 20 minutes and is still responding. But I bet if I let it run, it will stop.

    I am fairly sure the SHT20 is soldered to the board correctly. I used reflow (heatgun) and solder paste was liquid and I could poke the SHT20 and it popped back automatically by surface tension.
    I have also tried to replace the SHT20, but the result is the same. the device when hung)

    Anything you recognize?

    I have not yet successfully been able to debug the device, if i compile with the MY_DEBUG active, the device does not come on and the led shines constantly and I'm not sure how to connect the FTDI, should Vcc on the SWD provide power or not?

    I have checked the capasitors C12, C13 and C14 since they have been talked about before and differ from the BOM list and the real board.
    C12 is 10uF
    C13 is 100uF (100uF is very big, only had a 1206 size, but I got it in place, will get 47uF 0805 for next iteration, waiting for a solder paste dispenser from China)
    C14 is 100nF

  • @berkseo i have 2 questions regarding your device:

    1. Is it possible to add some additional sensors or are no UARTs left?
      I would like to add an accelerometer and 2-4 capacitive touch sensors.

    2. Where can I order the PCBs or an assembled version, because the order links on open hardware.io aren't working anymore. Get only the eBay startpage.

  • @magpern I think that perhaps the problem with the i2c bus. The revision of the chip. Try to disconnect the bus before going to bed and then initialize again.

  • @lexusburn

    1.I do not plan to add anything to this project. he as there is. Just an evaluation module.
    2. The sources for the order are attached to the project on openhardware. Assembled modules I do not sell now, too lazy to solder them.

    ...Logical continuation of this project:
    E-paper_2.13 nRF52840 bme280 Mysensors | Zigbee – 00:45
    — Andrew EfektaSB


  • Hi, everybody. A new version of the device(V3) is currently being tested. Now this device is in its own case. Works on MCU nRF52810, nRF52811, (in sleep mode 2μA) NRF 52832 (sleep 3.7μA) and nRF52840 (sleep 4.7μA). Power from 2x2450 or 2x2477. There will be an update soon on openhardware.io.
    IMG_20200503_153155.jpg IMG_20200503_153220.jpg IMG_20200503_153251.jpg IMG_20200503_154842_789.jpg

  • IMG_20200527_225341.jpg IMG_20200527_230629.jpg IMG_20200527_231155.jpg

  • Hi,

    @berkseo , do you use image2lcd to convert image to .c ?
    With what parameters ?



  • prototype e-ink1.54 V4, even smaller, even faster 🙂
    GDEH0154D67 + nRF52832 First SW test. – 01:25
    — Andrew EfektaSB

  • @berkseo, thanks.
    Finally, I found another solution with image2cpp, that allow direct conversion of svg files.

    link text

    So i can convert icons from [link text] (https://iconify.design/icon-sets/mdi/)

    alt text

    And for fonts, i use link text, it works fine with Gxepd2 library.

  • Update on the project. New version added to openhardware.io

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